
Thursday, June 25, 2015

The You That Is Yet To Be

Imagine back before there was anything.  There was God.

He says to the you that is yet to be:

"I have a wonderful plan for you.  I will create an individual with  a unique personality and energy in the womb of your mother that will grow into the fullness of who I've created you to be.  You think that you are just a combination of genes given to you by your mother and father.  You are much more than that!  You were made in My image. Body,soul and spirit.  Eternal.  A longing to be known.  A complex conglomeration of natural talents, spiritual gifts, physical traits that can reflect Me.

Your heart will be made to know Me. You will long for Me.  Even with all the things that life on earth can offer, you will have a void inside that can only be filled by Me.  There will be a lot of evil, ugliness and pain in the world.  My creations will think they can do life without their Creator. Though I will set the first created ones  in a beautiful garden where they can walk with Me, they will choose to tarnish the perfect life that I set before them.  People will look inward or to other created things, creating idols that will fit their idea of the Divine.  They will strive to make life happy and fulfilling but they will find that what they put in My place will never satisfy them.

The world in it's fallen state will be a shadow of the beautiful world I am creating for you. Despite your brokenness,  I will woo you to Myself.  I will not force your obedience or demand that you acknowledge Me.  I want you to know Me for who I AM and choose to relate to Me as I designed you to.  I know that you will become dissatisfied with what the world offers you, that you will ask questions like 'Why am I here? What is my purpose?  Is there a God?'

When you are ready, you will seek Me and you will find Me.  I long for you to draw near to me.  I knew that you couldn't fulfill the requirements needed to relate to My Holiness, so I am sending my beloved Son to live among you and give his sinless life for you.  Not just for you but for all who desire to live in relationship with Me, their Creator. That is what life is all about!  I long to pour My love into your life.  You will want to give your love and life to me in return.  As you grow in your knowledge of Me, you will grow more and more into who I've created you to be.  I will place you in a particular time and place where you will reflect my Glory, doing the good works I have prepared in advance for you to do.  Your life will matter.  You will make the world a better place and be a display case for my Glory.  Your life will matter not only for the short time you are on the earth, but your life will matter for eternity.  I have a wonderful place waiting for you after your life on earth is over.  You will pass from perishable to imperishable and you will dwell with Me, in My very Presence forever!  That is why I made you!  The hardships and trials of your earthly life will seem unbearable at times and you will wonder why you must endure them.  But all that you encounter and endure in your life I will use to mold and shape you, preparing you for your eternity with Me.

All of this is yet to be, my child.  Right now, you are just a twinkle in My eye.  I can't wait to knit you together in your mother's womb.  All of the days of your life are already written in my book.  My thoughts of you are constant and countless.   I love you, dear one. Put your trust in Me and look for My Fingerprints on your life.  You are mine.

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