"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8:28
Wow! That is an amazing truth. I was reflecting on that verse this morning while I was on my walk and it occurred to me...NOTHING can separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus! Not ADHD, not depression, not mental illness nor anything else in all creation! On the surface, that seems like a no brainer until I thought of the ways I have let things separate me from Christ's love.
Sometimes I have said to myself after saying an unkind word to one of my children,
"Shoot! There I go again. My ADD's to blame!"
Other times I have tried to recall a verse in the moment, but it was out of reach in my muddled mind. Then I mutter:
"I guess I can't memorize Scripture. I can never seem to remember anything."
Lies, lies...all lies! My excuses were just rationalization for not doing something differently.
As I was thinking about the truth of Rom. 8:28, I remembered that it's not a great memory or being the model parent that keeps me close to Jesus. It's His love. In this fallen world, there are lots of things that don't work right. But here's the thing. God already knows that we're all broken in some way. Whether it be neurologically, emotionally, physically or morally, that's why Jesus had to die for each of us. The very things that tend to become barriers to my relationship with Christ should actually be the things that draw me closer to Him! The reason I was thinking this was because I was pondering what keeps me from experiencing this amazing love. It's making agreements with the enemy of our souls. John and Stasi Eldridge talk about agreements in their book, Love & War. It has really helped me recognize when I am living out of a lie instead of God's truth. They say,
"Now, what this father of lies does is put his "spin" on a situation. It typically comes as a "thought" or a "feeling." ...What Satan is hoping for is to secure from us an "agreement," a very subtle
but momentous shift in us, where we believe the spin, we go with the feeling, and we accept as reality the deception he is presenting. (It always feels so true.) ...Once we buy in to the lie and make the agreement, we come under the spell and come under the influence of that interpretation of events. Then it pretty much plays itself out; becoming self-fulfilling."
It's so easy to believe that many things can separate us from God's love. The agreements may sound like this:
"I'm not good enough".
"Why try. I'll just fail."
"I don't know how to hear God's voice."
"Maybe He just doesn't speak to me."
"My thoughts are so confused. I can't make sense of reading the Bible."
Do these sound familiar? They sure do to me. However, I am coming to actually appreciate the fallen-ness of being human. Sometimes I still struggle and I get sucked into an agreement, but I am reminded that even a spiritual giant like the apostle Paul struggled with something that he wanted to get rid of and asked God to take away three times, but God said,
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9
So, when I am tempted to make agreements, it's really an opportunity to trust God and lean into Him instead of believing those negative thoughts. I am so glad God left us a love letter, the Bible. I can trust what it says. And what it says is that nothing, no, nothing can separate us from God's love!