The terrible situation in Iraq is troubling me, as it
should. But after reading my daughter’s blog
post about it, and seeing the pictures of pain, suffering and death, my heart
was overwhelmed with grief.
How frightening!
What if that happened here? It’s not out of the realm of possibility for our
country to become hostile toward Christ followers or let groups like ISIS wreak
havoc on the Christian community sometime in the future. Maybe in the near future! What if I was faced with the possibility of
having to give up my life for Christ, to renounce my Christian faith or face
execution? The thought created a lump in
my throat. Would I be strong enough to
stand strong even unto death?! Sometime
I think I could when I think of the blessed life I have lived and that I am
ready to start my eternity in the presence of my Savior. I certainly would give my life to save my
children. But to see my children
tortured, raped and murdered before my eyes?
That is unthinkable! That is
beyond painful.
May it never be!!!
This line of thinking led to me to realize that I don’t have
that desire. I would be gripped by
fear. So as I walked I asked God to give me the
desire to live full out for Him even if it meant giving up my life. That got my mind to wondering what gives people the desire
to give up their lives? They have to be
passionately overwhelmed by something bigger than themselves. If I am a good Christian, doing all
the right things, but not really intersecting with God Himself, would I give up
my life for Him? I had to admit that,
no, I wouldn’t.
The only thing that would allow me to be willing to sacrifice it all
would be if I knew I was completely loved.
Not just an intellectual knowledge, like, Jesus loves me this I know for
the Bible tells me so. I would have to
experience that overwhelming love; mind, heart and soul. Do I?
I have to admit, that, no, I don’t.
But I do feel like in the past couple of years, God has revealed Himself to me in life transforming ways. I am more
familiar with His amazing love than I ever was before.
How can I get
more of that?
By pursuing God with every
ounce of my being. The picture of Jacob
wrestling with God, saying,
“I’m not letting go unless You bless me.”
came to
mind. That’s it! God says if we need anything, ask. So I grabbed hold of God in my imagination
and said, “I want to know your love, God, I want to be overwhelmed by your love. I am not letting go until You bless me. I want to experience the power of being
totally loved by You. I’m not letting go
until You bless me.”
Maybe that’s what is meant by Isaiah and the Sons of Korah
when they say:
“My soul yearns for You in the night, in the morning my
spirit longs for You”
Isaiah 26:9b
“As a deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for
you, O Lord.”
Psalm 42:1
I know I have desired God like this sometimes during the many years of
walking with Him, but not consistently.
It’s always 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. The new piece for me is realizing that the desire
to desire God comes from God. I can’t
conjure it up on my own. He wants me to want
to desire Him. He wants me to ask Him
for that desire to desire Him. He wants
to lavish His love on me.
So, knowing
that, I grab hold of Him and say,
“I am not letting go until You bless
I used to think that was arrogant
and that I didn’t have a right to demand anything from God. He would give me what He would give me and I
should be grateful for any morsel of kindness from Him. But I think differently now. I am His child. I believe what He says in His word is true! I want it!
He’s the only one who can give it to me, so I grab hold and I’m not
letting go. I know that when I do let
go, my desire to desire God wanes and I become occupied with the worries and
pleasures of this life. I never want to
let go again.
Bless me,
bless me,
me, Lord!
You say you love me with an
everlasting love. Show me, open my heart
to experience it. Pour it over my life. You say You give us every spiritual blessing
in Christ. I want them all! Open my eyes to see every single one of
them. I don’t want to miss even one.
Give them to me, Lord.
Give me more of You!
I’m holding on tight!